
要时刻 保持中立 注重成员的多方参与,不能忽略任何成员,包括小孩在内 对要求改善的行为,可让家人在治疗当场进行练习 要利用家庭原有的正性情感,发挥家庭内各种有益的心理资源的作用


题目:在家庭治疗的方法和技巧上要注意以下哪些方面 ( )


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  • [单选题]便秘的病机关键是( )
  • 大肠传导功能失职

  • [单选题]A 55-year-old man come to see the doctor with a chief complaint of insomnia two days, he has drunk alcoholic beverage about 30 years. He has tried to quit drinking several times, but he has been un-able to stop.Twodays ago,he tried to stop drinking once again.He states that he goes to sleep difficult-1y, feels nausea and anxiety.For this patient,which of the following treatment is best
  • benzodiazepine

  • 解析:The most likely diagnosis of this patient is alcohol dependence, and this patient has obviously alcohol withdrawal symptom, the most common treatment for alcohol withdrawal symptom is benzodiaz-epine.

  • 本文链接:https://www.233go.com/key/02kr17.html
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