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正确答案:C。A.催眠 B.前意识 C.潜意识 D.消失的意识 E.本能 更多精神病学副高级职称考试的考试资料及答案解析请访问志学网卫生职称考试栏目。

1. [单选题]精神分析把无法被个体感知的心理活动称为

A. 催眠
B. 前意识
C. 潜意识
D. 消失的意识
E. 本能

2. [单选题]影响颅内肿瘤引起精神症状的因素不包括

A. 性别、年龄、病程
B. 肿瘤的部位
C. 缓慢生长的肿瘤不会引起精神症状
D. 颅内肿瘤引起的精神症状也可能与遗传有关
E. 性格特征、个体素质、精神创伤也可诱发一些颅内肿瘤患者引起精神症状

3. [单选题]A 55-year-old man come to see the doctor with a chief complaint of insomnia two days, he has drunk alcoholic beverage about 30 years. He has tried to quit drinking several times, but he has been un-able to stop.Twodays ago,he tried to stop drinking once again.He states that he goes to sleep difficult-1y, feels nausea and anxiety.For this patient,which of the following treatment is best

A. antipsychotic
B. antidepressant drug
C. benzodiazepine
D. anticholinergic agents
E. clinical observation

4. [单选题]个体自我意识(the self-awareness of individual)发展(self-awareness development)的开始时期是

A. 婴儿期
B. 幼儿期
C. 学龄期
D. 青春期
E. 新生儿期(neonatal period)

5. [多选题]下列属于正治的是( )

A. 寒者热之
B. 热者寒之
C. 实者泻之
D. 虚者补之
E. 通因通用

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