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正确答案:C。A.500nm B.504nm C.538nm D.544nm E.548nm 更多临床血液学副高级职称考试的考试资料及答案解析请访问志学网卫生职称考试栏目。

1. [单选题]SDS-Hb的吸收波峰位于

A. 500nm
B. 504nm
C. 538nm
D. 544nm
E. 548nm

2. [单选题]下列叙述不符合原粒细胞在透射电镜下的结构的是 ( )

A. 表面平滑,微绒毛(microvilli)很少
B. 胞核常染色质占优势,异染色质少
C. 高尔基体较少,发育差
D. 线粒体少,随细胞成熟其数量越来越多
E. 胞质少,内有大量的游离核糖体

3. [单选题]确诊慢性粒细胞白血病,最有意义的依据是

A. 嗜酸性粒细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞明显增高
B. 白细胞明显增高
C. 骨髓增生极度活跃
D. Ph染色体阳性
E. 中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶活性降低

4. [单选题]髓外造血可发生于下列哪些情况

A. 慢性再障
B. 婴幼儿严重贫血
C. 多发性骨髓瘤
D. 严重感染
E. 血友病

5. [多选题]The blood is examined in order to answer following principal questions

A. Is themarrow producing sufficient numbers of mature cells in the hematopoietic lineages
B. Are the red cells in the blood normal
C. Are the leukocytes in the blood normal
D. Is the development of each hematopoietic lineages qualitatively normal
E. Are the platelets in the blood normal

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